On the 22nd of July 2018, a handful of KGA youth boarded two buses to the Jeevarathni Foundation in Hosur as part of the annual youth outreach programme. Some of us had already been to the place before, but it was the first time for many. Upon reaching, we were greeted by Meena and a few of the kids from the home. I was really surprised that some of them remembered the names of the youth who had visited the home last year!
That day, I realised that happiness is a choice, and that we can choose to be happy despite everything life throws at us. I was really surprised that so many youth took the time out of their Sunday to come out and interact with these children, and I'm sure all of us felt it was as beautiful a Sunday as any- if not more. I feel like a lot of times, what some of these kids miss more than the physical comforts of the world, is the interaction with people. Our time is the most valuable gift we can offer them! The outreach program was a resounding success and I felt it was also, more the kids reaching out to us and telling us that life can still be beautiful and full of infinite joy despite all your hardships. If these kids - who barely have the life that most us do - manage to find so much joy in their lives, we should be able to too. All you have to do is find it
- Joshua Quadros